Thursday, December 8, 2011

God BLESS You!

A while back, I was waiting for the bus one night, 20 feet from a man with a megaphone yelling, "God BLESS you, God BLESS you, GOD BLESS YOU...," you get the idea. He threw in a few "receive the Holy Ghosts" and other assorted phrases too. At one point, a man yelled out the window of a passing car, "Get a job!" God bless you man turned and walked towards him, pointed his megaphone at the man's head through the open window and said, "Get a job?! This IS my job. To tell people: GOD BLESS YOU!"

How I wish I could have megaphone man around all the time, or at least be reminded more often of God's existence, His love for EACH of us, and how much He really does bless us! So what the heck, 'tis still the thankfulness season; here are a few more things I am grateful for. A little recognition of how much God blesses me:

  • The chipper metro train drivers that so happily advise me to watch my step as the doors are closing and make me aware that at Metro Center, the doors will open on the right.
  • The pizza my office bought yesterday for a staff meeting=free lunch!
  • The extended family that lives 2.3 miles from me, allowing me a safe, warm place to go when I feel alone in big, scary DC
  • The neighbors which live two doors down from me who decided 15 minutes before I walked by one night that they were giving away their entire living room set of furniture=free couches!!
  • Kids
  • The kitten my Grandma got recently (I swear she's drugged up on some type of illegal substance but she's fun to watch!)
  • SNOW!
  • Christmas lights
  • My really stupid fish
  • Friends who know just what to say and just when to call
  • Chocolate-covered bacon
  • Really good books (like The Book of Mormon-check it out!)

I could go on and what are you grateful for? How has God blessed you?


  1. agreed on the metro drivers! also, when can I meet this cat??

    I am thankful for good hair days and dressy events :)

  2. We are grateful for friends like you and yes we did take that picture right behind his back, he didn't even know. You are so wonderful and give us lots of things to remember that we are grateful for. When our wonderful son-in-law put our information on our new computer, somehow, a lot of emails were lost,yours included. We are so glad you replied on our blog and left your blog. We want to send you our monthly (or so) email update. We sure do love you, Merry Christmas. Love, Lamoreauxs
