Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy Parts of 2011!

So grateful for these! They really made what could 
have been a fail year turn out to be a semi-successful 
year. Thanks happy parts!

Ringing in 2011 at Disney World!

Getting back to my French Class roots and finding 
the king in the cake with the fam. 
Happy Epiphany!

Discovering places like Ford's Theater and the Spy Museum with friends

Almost dying in Snowmageddon the Younger. Thrilled to be a part of it actually. Feel I missed out being in Romania during Snowmageddon the First. Good thing we had Marissa's bed to keep warm in when we didn't have power for, oh, three days.

Discovering places like The National Cathedral with friends

Visiting The Aunt in Asheville, North Carolina

Cherry Blossoms!!!

Saying good-bye to The Brother. Okay, so that wasn't 
totally happy, but getting him back in 16 more 
months will be! 

Knowing I have friends in Utah who still care :) (I think...)

Being in St. George for Elizabeth's wedding and learning 
about a family that is very different than mine but 
as equally incredibly wonderful!



(seeing the USS Cole & the USS New York: a ship 
forged from the steel of the World Trade Center)

@ a party with which some awesome friends 
surprised me. Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties,
the video is not available for your viewing pleasure 
on this page. You will have to check The FB.

Running my 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th 5Ks. This year's goal:
Half Marathon. Wish me luck!

Discovering Eastern Market!

Watching Fred learn how to drive 
and parallel park :)

Celebrating the Fourth of July in DC!

Attending my Romania Mission President's homecoming!
So good to see all the mission buddies!!

Driving across the country to get to the homecoming!
If you're ever in Denver, you must hug the big blue bear.
Thank you for making the trip happen Jeffrey Divis.

Spending time in Palmyra, New York with Missy, her family,
and friends visiting LDS Church History sites and
seeing the Hill Cumorah Pageant!

Introducing new family to the best place on earth
and spending two weeks with them there.

Discovering the Library of Congress with the Relief Society.
I now have a reader card and can sit and learn in that 
beautiful building whenever I want!

Um, Grandma got baptized! That's about all I can say
about that. I'm kind of still in shock. :)

Having so many great Romania Mission 
buddies here in DC!!

Visiting Pittsburgh's greatest nurse in Steelers Country!

Bucket List moment on Thanksgiving Day
in New York City :) (well, basically the whole
trip was incredible!)

Making awesome Christmas memories in DC!
Like singing in Institute Choir, singing in the ward
Christmas Program, and singing carols
at the Romanian Embassy!! Did I mention I did a lot
of singing this Christmas? And...discovered a LOT
of delicious holiday recipes. Hit me up if you need
some next Christmas!

Happy New Year!


  1. You had an AMAZING year :D This one will be incredibly exciting and a happy one as well, I know it :D

  2. ringing in the new year at disneyworld?? what a great way to start the year!

  3. you have a friend in Utah that cares :) (well probably more than one...)
